The party enters the foundry in search of Mordra and discovers a bunch of goblins working the pipes of the foundry. When Nighthawk's pet suprises them, one of the goblins turns out to be Mordra. Battle erupts and Modra releases a mutated boar hidden in the foundry. The party can defeat the goblins and the mutant beast and slay Modra. When they search the foundry they discover the secret passageway to Sarshan's tower. The party recovers their strength before heading out.
When they reach the tower, the party has to fight a party of shadar-kai. One of the shadar-kai activates a shadow trap that hampers the party but in the end they can defeat them. When they enter the next room, they come across more shadar-kai discussing with a dark one while a wraith hovers nearby. When the party's presence is discovered, the dark one darkens the room while the wraith's mad whispers shake the party. The party is forced to retreat into the previous room with the shadar-kai on their heels. There they can fight the wraith and the dark one one after the other and defeat them. A band of gnolls is all that stands in their way before they can explore the rest of the tower.
After resting, the party pushes on and heads up to the next level of the tower. There they encounter a band of vermin swarms. They can defeat the insects but just as they down the last one, a party of shadar-kai guards arrives and demands that the party surrenders.