After resting, the party ventures forth in the dungeon once more. While moving towards the upper levels, Nighthawk's feline companion draws the attention of the party. The cat had discovered a goblin hiding. The party restrains itself and does not kill the small creature on sight. The goblin introduces himself as Ak'iss and tells his story in broken common of how he was forced to join Sinruth's band after his tribe was defeated. The party gains information about the Rivenroar crypts from the goblin and decides to let him join the party.
But during the night, the undead have not been idle as well. Several of the foul creatures have been reanimated by their undead leader and spring a trap upon the party. The party fights bravely and can destroy them, hopefully this time for good. From a magical scrying pool, the party learns which opponents they still have to face. They also learn that Thurann, the last of the prisoners from Brindol is being held by an undead creature that is leaching the boys lifeforce in a magical ritual. The party sees the need for haste and continue their exploration of the crypts. Before long they stumble upon the wight as he is still performing the unholy rite. He animates several piles of bones into skeletons and combat erupts. In the end they can kill the wight and release the boy.
After returning the boy to the entrance and leaving him in the care of Dorn and the other companions, the party sets forth to seek out the last remaining items that were stolen from Brindol's Hall of Great Valor. When they enter a strange room, two zombies call to life an undead monstrosity that attacks the party. But the foul creature is quickly destroyed by the coordinated actions of the party. Pressing on, the party finaly enters a chapel where a hobgoblin spellcaster is hiding with more undead minions. After defeating them, the party can recover the last stolen items from Brindol.
The return trip to Brindol is easy as Nighthawk's feline companions seems to know the way. Upon arrival in Brindol, the party is welcomed as heroes. Soon Alys arrives to ask them to visit the town council. There they meet councilmember Troyas again who is very pleased with their success. He hopes the party will want to work for them in the future if the need arrises. He also upholds his deal with lady Felisin and promises to send half of the city's defenders to Overlook as soon as the can be mustered. He pays the party what they were promised and even hands out some magical items to the party. That evening a large feast is held in honor of the party but the next morning finds the party already on the road to Overlook ...
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