After traveling for several days, the party is finally through the Westdeep forest and almost within sight of Overlook. But the party finds trouble ahead as they discover the destruction of a trade caravan by orc raiders. The party engages the orcs and kill them but is too late to save the lives of the caravan people. From amongst the caravan's remains, the party can only salvage a set of dwarven armor and a strongbox holding the symbol of the Elsir Consortium. Unable to open the box, the party decides to take it with them and deliver it back at the Elsir Consortium in Overlook. Unable to bury so many corpses, the party stack the remains of the wagons together and lite a funeral pyre.

The rest of the journey to Overlook is uneventful and the party arrives in Overlook where they learn that lots of mercenary and adventuring bands are already gathering in the dwarvenbuild city. The party seeks lodging and asks for directions to the Elsir Consortium and the citycouncil. They learn that the city council is holding a public session that afternoon. With some free time on their hands, the party heads for the Elsir Consortium to deliver the strongbox. There they meet with Bran Ironfell who thanks them for returning the strongbox and the news of what happend with the caravan. The dwarf is very distressed at the thought that orcs are on the east side of the mountains.

The party then heads to an inn for refreshments. There they meet with another adventuring band called the Freeriders. The party swaps tales and rumours and then head out to the special council. The dwarven rulers of the city address the crowd of adventurers and mercenaries and then hands out assignments. The party takes the assignment to deliver word of the growing orc threat to the remote Monastary of the Sundered Chain, a place of worship for followers of Moradin.

After the councilsession is disbanded, the party can talk to one of the leaders of Overlook. They are thanked in advance for their assistance and given a map to the monastary. The dwarf is not happy to learn that orcs have already found their way across the mountains but is relieved when he hears Brindol will send reinforcements.

The party rests for the night at the inn and leaves the following morning to warn the monks at the monastary. The road is long and difficult but the party can make good speed, only needing to spend one night in the mountains.

When they finaly reach the monastary, they notice plumes of smoke coming from the courtyard. The monastary is already under attack by orcs. The party rushes into the courtyard and can defeat some orcs. Hopefully they are not too late to save the monks.