The party enters the abandonned temple and discovers Alys bound and gagged in the middle of the temple. Before they can reach her, they spot figures hiding the shadows. Their ambush foiled, the lost ones and their attack dogs attack the party.
Halfway through the fight, three cloacked strangers appear and attack the party. The lost ones eye the newcomers wearily and although they do not fight like allies, neither do they attack the newcomers. When the party can kill one of the newcomers, it turns out to be a shapeshifter. But with the new arrivals, the party is hard pressed and, after freeing Alys, forced to retreat into the streets of Overlook. Buying the party the time to escape, Nighthawk's feline companion is downed. The party is forced to leave her behind. Ozan tries to linger behind in the shadows but is also forced to flee when the lost ones spot him trying to follow the other shapeshifters who carry off BFC.
Out of immediate danger, Alys can deliver her message. She was sent by Sertanian, castellan of Brindol. He is in need of the party in regards with some item the party recoverd from castle Rivenroar.
After having licked their wounds, the party delves into the seedy side of Overlook, trying to track down their missing partymember. With diplomacy or sheer intimidation, the party can discover the location of where the shapeshifters are going to hand over the cat. When they barge in, they discover BFD is alright. The remaining shapeshifters are quickly downed and interrogated but they can reveal nothing the party has not yet learned.
Reunited with their feline companion, the party starts the journey to Brindol. On the road, they encounter a dwarven patrol who warns them of gnoll raiders in the area. Upon arrival in Brindol, the party is invited to spend dinner and the night at the house of a family member of one of the captives that they rescued from castle Rivenroar.
In the morning they go see Sertanian at the hall of great valor. He reveals to them that the platinum sword the party recovered from castle Rivenroar started to speak a few weeks ago and asked for the adventuring party. When the castellan shows them the sword, it starts to speak and explains to them that it has been awakened by events that are transpiring at fortress Graystone, a gith construction. A gnoll shaman is trying to twist a breach into the Elemental Chaos so he can become an exarch of Yeenoghu. The blade beseeches the party to stop the gnoll and use a ritual to return itself back to its original state.
As the party is questioning the blade, a firebomb is tossed into the hall and several bountyhunters enter the hall by force, seeking to capture the party. The party can dispatch them and contain the fire. The mercenary Gilgathorn arrives too late to be of assistance and claims to be travelling through Brindol. When they question the bountyhunters, again the party learns that the identity of the one who placed the bounty on their heads is hidden very well.
Although wanting to return to Overlook to discover who is placing so much money on their heads, The party sets out for fortress Graystone as the rift to the elemental chaos is a more precent matter. During the trip they discover that someone is leaving traps and hazards behind intent on slowing the party down.
When they arrive at the steps leading to fortress Graystone, the party is attacked by gnolls. Amidst the gnolls a spirit of some sort causes havoc when it floats right into one of the huge gith statues that surround the stairs. The statue then comes to life and attacks the party. Even though they can destroy the statue, the spirit keeps taking over other statues. In the end the party can defeat the ghostlike creature and the gnolls.