While traveling the city of Overlook, the party is ambushed by local thugs supported by an arcane caster. The party learns that these thugs were send to recover a brass key the party found in the vents. After defeating the thugs, the party goes in search of another shadowfell creature, a dark creeper called Modra.
During their search they encounter Reniss, a half-elf ranger and sister to one of the Farstriders. Unfortunately, the party found her sister's body in the vents. The half-elf is sad but thanks the party for recovering her sister's body from the orcs. She steers the party in the direction of the Clean Sheets.
The party goes first to the Happy Beggar where they interrogate the owners and the customers. When Dorn inspects the cellar, he discovers a partially collapsed tunnel. With the aid of Nighthawk's pet, the tunnel can be cleared enough to allow passage. The rest of the party joins them and enter the tunnel. When they emerge they disturb a nest of batlike shadow creatures but defeat them in combat.