woensdag 12 augustus 2009

Character Creation

Before creating your character, have a look at the Scales of War Player's Guide. You can find a PDF of this player's guide in the files section of the discussiongroup (http://rpga-lva.googlegroups.com/web/SoW_Players_Guide.pdf).

Ability Scores : 22 Point Buy

Equipment: 100 gp.

Background: Characters can choose backgrounds from either the general backgrounds or the Scales of War specific backgrounds. Other backgrounds are not allowed. You can find a PDF of these background in the files section of the discussiongroup (http://rpga-lva.googlegroups.com/web/SoW_Backgrounds.pdf).

Deity: Deities are limited to core deities only. FR deities will not be mentioned in plot (unless these also exist in Core). Exceptions are possible if necessary.

All published (in a book) Wizards of the Coast material is allowed. Dragon content is also allowed with the exception of playtest material.

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